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Avo Cigars AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata

Avo Cigars is following up on its success with its Avo Syncro Nicaragua line with the strongest cigar yet in the Avo Cigars portfolio: the Avo Syncro Fogata. The Avo Syncro Nicaragua was the first regular-production Avo cigar to incorporate Nicaraguan tobacco into its blend, with filler leaves hailing from the volcanic island of Ometepe.

The Avo Syncro Fogata builds off this concept by replacing the Ometepe tobacco with filler leaves from farther north (which produce stronger tobaccos): tobacco from Condega and Estelí, Nicaragua.Davidoff of Geneva, having purchased Nicaraguan farmland, is incorporating more Nicaraguan tobaccos in its brands, still true to their farm to humidor, vertically integrated cigar making model.

Besides using the stronger leaves from the Esteli and Condega regions of Nicaragua the Avo Syncro Fogata also uses more Nicaraguan tobacco in its blend than all other Avo cigars but, like all Avo cigars, this smoke is delivered in a balanced, easy to smoke, creamy profile by blending in Dominican leaves in the filler. The wrapper is Habano 2000 Clara (Ecuador), the binder is Negro San Andreas (Mexico) and the filler blend is a very full bodied mix of Esteli Ligero (Nicaragua), Condega Visus (Nicaragua), Yamasa Visus, Piloto and San Vicente Ligero (Dominican Republic).

"Fogata, meaning bonfire or campfire in Spanish, was a great inspiration for this new cigar. It is one of my favorite settings to share unforgettable and intimate moments with my closest of friends," cigarmaker and famed jazz musician Avo Uvezian said in a statement. "With Syncro Nicaragua Fogata, we went off the beaten path in search of more intense taste experiences and are proud to now share with you this vibrant new blend in our portfolio."

“AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata delivers new frontiers in cigar experiences. Pulsing with the rhythm of Nicaragua’s more intense Esteli and Condega tobaccos and composed with the softer, creamier notes of our Dominican grown tobacco, aficionados will savor every note and be delighted by the fusion of wild complexity blended with unprecedented harmony,” said Charles Awad, svp of global innovation & marketing for Oettinger Davidoff AG.

Avo Syncro Fogata in manufactured at the Occidental Kelner (OK) Cigars factory in the Dominican Republic. Each Avo Syncro Fogata size come packaged in 20 count boxes. The AVO Syncro Fogata line-up is four vitolas: Short Torpedo (4 ½” x 52), Robusto (5” x 50), Toro (6” x 54) and Special Toro (6” x 60).